Indulge your body with our range of products and complete your body care regime. Soaps, shower gels, body scrubs, body butter, lotions, and hand creams in feel good textures and fabulous flavours to transform your skin. With our community fair trade values, our body care range will make both you and your skin feel good.
British Rose Shower Gel 250ML
៛35,000 -
White Musk® L'eau Shower Gel 250ml
៛69,000 -
Moringa Body Yogurt 200ML
៛95,000 -
Moringa Body Lotion 200ml
៛105,000 -
Moringa Hand Balm 30ml
៛32,000 -
British Rose Shower Scrub 200ML
៛65,000 -
White Musk® Flora Body Lotion 250 ML
៛95,000 -
British Rose Body Yogurt 200ML
៛75,000 -
Almond Milk Hand Balm 30ml
៛32,000 -
British Rose Body Yogurt 200ML
៛95,000 -
Black Musk Night Bloom Body Lotion 200ML