Together, let’s take a stand to finally ban cosmetic testing on animals everywhere.
Join our ForeWHAT IS FOREVER AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING?ver Against Animal Testing campaign by signing this petition.

Our Forever Against Animal Testing global campaign is how we put our passion for animal rights into action – we're working towards a worldwide ban on animal tested cosmetics… forever. Approximately 80% of countries have no laws around animal testing, which is why we haven’t stopped fighting for the rights of animals since 1989. Working with our customers and Cruelty Free International, our Forever Against Animal Testing campaign is helping wipe out animal testing in cosmetics for good, so animals no longer have to suffer for our beauty.
According to Cruelty Free International, over 500,000 animals may be used in cosmetic animal testing worldwide every single year, even though alternative testing options exist that would allow neither animals or consumers to suffer. Non-animal tests are often more effective, more reliable and faster, proving that animal cruelty is an unnecessary evil. Join us on this journey as we encourage more countries to ban animal tested cosmetics.

Thanks to your support, we’ve gathered 8 million signatures for our campaign to end animal testing in cosmetics forever.
“In October, The Body Shop and Cruelty Free International took 8.3 million voices from all over the world to the United Nations HQ in New York to call for a global end to animal testing in cosmetics.
“These signatures represent the latest milestone of more than 30 years of advocacy between Cruelty Free International and The Body Shop, the first international beauty brand to campaign against animal testing in cosmetics.
“We know we couldn’t do this without you. There is still much work to do, but with your continued support we know we’ll succeed.”
Michelle Thew
CEO Cruelty Free International


The Body Shop started campaigning to end animal testing in cosmetics. We were the first global cosmetics company to fight this cruelty.
Following our sustained campaign, the UK government banned animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients.
Campaigning by The Body Shop and BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, now Cruelty Free International) contributed to a European Union ban on animal testing in cosmetic products.
The European Union implements its ban on animal testing in cosmetic ingredients.
We celebrate history. The sale and import of animal tested products and ingredients is banned, completing the EU ban. Our campaign with Cruelty Free International collects 1 million signatures.
We reach 3 million signatures in our campaign with Cruelty Free International
We reach 8 million signatures in our campaign with Cruelty Free International. We take our petition to the United Nations to ban animal testing in cosmetics worldwide.