Shop The Body Shop products by range here. From enduring cult lines of natural beauty products like Hemp, Cocoa and Shea Butter, White Musk and Aloe Wera products, to our newer classics like the Nutriganics™ and Vitamin C ranges. You can also shop online here for our greatest best sellers, top-rated products and our latest beauty boosters.
White Musk® Body Mist 100ML
៛110,000 -
British Rose Body Yogurt 200ML
៛75,000 -
White Musk® L'eau Shower Gel 250ml
៛69,000 -
Shea Butter Richly Replenishing Hair Mask 240ML
៛105,000 -
Moringa Body Yogurt 200ML
៛95,000 -
Seaweed Oil-Control Gel Cream 50ML
៛125,000 -
White Musk® Hand Cream 100ML
៛69,000 -
Seaweed Pore-Cleansing Facial Exfoliator
៛75,000 -
Oils of Life™ Intensely Revitalising Bi-Phase Essence Lotion 160ML
៛129,000 -
Seaweed Deep Cleansing Gel Wash 125ML
៛70,000 -
Seaweed Clarifying Toner 250ML
៛90,000 -
Almond Milk Hand Balm 30ml